Eric B. Shiraev is a professor, researcher, author, and editor, with over thirty books to his name, including nine in multiple editions, spanning international relations, political psychology, reputation management, personality, and cross-cultural psychology. His multidisciplinary approach underscores the profound impact of culture and identity on politics and social life. His broader research interests include character assassination, psychological warfare and its defenses, Eurasian politics, and the psychological underpinnings of leadership in business and international affairs. He is co-managing a research lab CARP to study character assassination and reputational politics.
Most recent projects:
Books Published
CARP Research LAB: Research into Character Assassination
International Relations, 4e (Oxford University Press)
Cross-Cultural Psychology Textbook, 8th edition (Featured on Facebook)
Most recent projects:
Books Published
CARP Research LAB: Research into Character Assassination
International Relations, 4e (Oxford University Press)
Cross-Cultural Psychology Textbook, 8th edition (Featured on Facebook)
International Relations |